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Dress Code & Studio Rules

2023-2024 Class Dress Code

Use the Link Below to View Dress Code

2023-2024 Studio Rules & Regulations

~Students should arrive at the studio no earlier than 5 minutes before class and should be picked up on time. Our waiting areas are for drop of and pick up ONLY. Parents can come in to drop off and should wait in the car until class time is over.

~Tuition is due by the 15th of each month. A late fee willed added to all accounts that are not paid by the 15th. Tuition remains the same each month.

~All dancers should be dressed in their dance attire when arriving.

~The field behind the North Brookfield studio does NOT belong to KADS. Please keep your children out of that field.

~Students must come properly dressed for all classes. Dancers will not be allowed in ballet class without the proper ballet attire.

~There is NO chewing gum in class

~There is NO smoking near the entry way or open windows of the buildings.

~Please treat staff, fellow dancers and your own family respectfully. That includes no yelling, swearing, or rough housing while in or around the dance studio.

~Be on time for all classes. Arriving late is not only a distraction to the class, it also prevents the dancer from warming up properly.

~You must be on time when picking up your dancer.

~If you have any questions concerning your teacher or class, please contact Miss Kara by phone or email.

~The office area is for KADS staff only.

~There are NO refunds for classes or costumes for ANY reason.

 ~Please remember, if your child is sick, please keep them home.

~Please be sure to write your child’s name or initials inside all of their dance shoes.

~If your dancer or family is eating in the waiting area, please clean up after yourselves.

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